Wellness Coaching

working together to help you optimize

This isn’t some guru-talking, advice-giving therapy where you get a “classification” and a prescription with a reminder card for your next appointment.

There are incredible people out there that do great jobs at this, but that’s not what I’m providing.

I can’t heal you.  But I can help you find a path or a plan to help you heal yourself by narrowing down your goals—what you want in life, who you want to become—and setting your plans to achieve it.

Think of me as your Strategic Operations Department.  We work together to make a plan for your success. 

For example, you have a dream board with pictures on it.  I help you figure out plans on how to make them possible and come true. 

Some examples of what those pictures can be are: relationship building, career, stress management, fitness, finance, to overall life-balance strategies. 

Or even design, such as for years you have dreamed of gutting your kitchen, but get all twisted-up with the choices.  So it never gets done.  And another year goes by.

Life can hand us some real doozies at times.  We all go through difficult stuff, and very few of us were taught the coping skills to handle everything.  And sometimes that stuff blocks us from reaching our potential.

Let’s work together to un-block yourself, build healthy and achievable plans, and get you back on track to achieve your goals and play in life at your peak performance.  


“Coaching is unlocking people’s potential to maximize their own performance.

It is more often helping them to learn rather than teaching them.”

- John Whitmore, author and founder of the GROW model of coaching, Coaching for Performance, 2010

Get in touch!

"Physical fitness is the first requisite of happiness."
- Joseph Pilates