Mat Pilates

mat pilates with twist

Take Joseph Pilates’s brilliant, 34 classical exercises using balance, flexibility, strength, power, agility and acute mental focus, and add splashes of yoga and dance, while in a heated room of 80 degrees with musical playlists of rock, electronic, hip-hop, grunge, jazz, funk, soul and country to name a few. 

And since the majority of the class is seated or lying on the floor, it allows your mind to enter a place of comfort, easing you into a focused, light meditation in a supportive setting.

Sound amazing?   It is.

With multiple sessions you can:

  • Strengthen and tone the body and core
  • Increase full body mobility, coordination and stamina
  • Decrease stress and back pain
  • Enjoy a more flexible body
  • Release toxins
  • Decompress the day
  • Improve posture
  • Higher energy levels

Dr. Greg Ford, Director of PT and Associate Professor at Daemen College said, “Motion is lotion. It’s vital for people to keep moving, even through an injury.”

And if you are in a job or daily activities where you are sitting a lot, my classes are for you.

Level 1 is beginner. Level 2 is intermediate. Level 3 is advanced. Modifications and progressions will be offered in each class. 

For more details on what to wear or class rules, check out my FAQ page


"Physical fitness is the first requisite of happiness."
- Joseph Pilates

Get in touch!